Be kind; everyone fights hard battle

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle

Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a battle

Widely misattributed to Plato or Philo of Alexandria, this sentiment was most likely first written by Ian Maclaren: Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle (a heavy burden).

In 1965 the Chicago Tribune wrote a paragraph with words attributed to Maclaren:

Most of us are acutely aware of our own struggles and we are preoccupied with our own problems. We sympathize with ourselves because we see our own difficulties so clearly. But Ian MacLaren noted wisely, “Let us be kind to one another, for most of us are fighting a hard battle.” – Quote Investigator

Regardless of size, type, or severity, each of us has something with which we struggle, whether it’s publicly known or even deemed by others to be worthy of worry. The hope is that we can all, at the very least, respect one another and realize there might be more going on in the lives of others — close friends or distant relatives — than meets the eye.

Sometimes a very simple phone call might just be the lifeline (literally) someone needs to get them through that day. You might never know the consequences of your words, actions — or lack thereof — and the potential impact you actually have on others.

Here’s a simple poem that hammers home the point. Sure, it’s cheesy. It is something I recited frequently as a young child. Considering I still remember the words, I may as well put them to good use. (I’m not certain it’s accurate, but that’s how I remember it.)


Like a pebble dropped in water which sends ripples beyond sight,
a smile you give to someone keeps going warm and bright.
From one person to another,
and before the day is through;
Who knows, just when you need it most,
it may be returned to you.

Your actions don’t need to be big, expensive, or time consuming. Email a long-lost friend, text your kids, call your mom, send photos to your siblings, and smile to strangers. Easy.

Oh, here’s a suggestion: like our Facebook page! That’s a great way to show your support and perhaps ignite a boost of positive energy to all of us praying for Brenda’s recovery. Also, learn more about Brenda’s story on the about us page. 

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